Monday, April 20, 2015
President Putin said he wants to work with America. Foreigners around the world post Hollywood images at their Facebook pages and speak in English. In spite of numerous unjustified wars, tension among the people and unlawful surveillance the world still loves American icons and perceives the American lifestyle to be a better way of life. Some countries still see America as the power house of the world. More and more Americans are becoming outraged by the escalating violence, propaganda, militarization and loss of freedom in this county . People are growing more afraid and distrustful as corporations take over and have their own set of rules that bypass the rest. New laws are being created to give the criminals more power that go against the constitution and America is being redesigned to cater to the rich and atheist rather than the middle class and mass majority of American citizens. It no longer seems to be about what the people want but more about what Big government wants and people with advanced weapons. Many corporations today have their own private armies and do underhanded things beneath the radar that are permitted and often kept hidden by the higher ups. It doesn't seem like many world governments today are doing what is in the best interested of the people. A slave network and weapon system is being built to enslave the people through advanced space and energy weapons that man has never seen before. Technology has enabled the bad guys to monitor everything a person does in and out of their homes and even hack their personal computers in their car and control their cars computer system. Most people are in the dark about modern technology and new weapons and how many minds are being hacked and controlled like computer by computer. I am someone who has been enslaved in the prison complex of energy weapons, surveillance devices and dark armies who do the bidding of the puppet masters who invade and work my life in the background. I live in a Nazi prison state. I know the horrors of things to come. We are in a crisis. This isn't something out of a horror movie. My life is very real. The things that are occurring in my life are like something out of a persons worst nightmare. I have never had a dream this bad before. When I used to have a nightmare I would wake up to find my life was better and I felt safe. This nightmare is worse than anything I could dream because the monsters are still there and they continue to torture me in bizarre unknown with advanced weapons. My freedom has been taken away and I never committed a crime or did anything underhanded to wrong another person or cause someone bodily harm. Even prisoners in the petitionary aren't subjected to Nazi torture and uncivilized behavior by masochists who love pain and suffering and creating fear to break down every mortal fiber of my being to induce extreme terror. This bad dream never ends because the watchers are always there bloodthirsty and angry and determined to break down my soul and physical body in anyway their can on a nightly basis. If people don't wake up and see the Nazi symbols on the wall and realize the satanic forces that are at work in the world we will all be doomed indefinitely and there will be no turning point. We are doing all of the things God warned us about in the bible. Our own destructive behavior is causing us to enslave ourselves and go along blindly like the mice from the Pied Piper fable. We are even being depicted as mice in motion pictures and zombies. The mice were enchanted by the music like people are today who are being seduced by modern technology and blindly led over the cliff. Modern technology has given the oppressors the ability so spy on us and the devil the power to invade our heart, mind and soul through the slavery network that consists of space technology, voice recorders and phone system. Pan is the cyber network that stand for Satan. by knowing the personal things we put on our computers and say on our phones modern weapons allow the perpetrators to easily analyze, control and enslave us. We opened a door and let the devil in through our computers, blind trust and willingness to reveal personal secrets to evil doers who serve to invade our soul. We surrendered our willpower through our lust, life style and ignorance. Now we are being treated like lab specimens and our demonic toys are being used against us to kill us. We no longer have the freedom to choose right or wrong. People in the world think they have control of their bodies and minds and the future but they don't. They are greatly deceived. Pretty soon they will wake up and see the prison I am enslaved in and the weapons being used against them and realize how advanced this system is. There is no escape. The forces that seize my body and mind seem supernatural in nature and advanced. You know things are pretty supernatural when there is no escape and the world behaves and functions as if nothing is taking place as if they don't know the beast is really alive and well today. I fear the future knowing that any just and righteous person who tries to make a difference in this country won't get the opportunity because too many bad guys are controlling the system and have the ability to get weapons in their reach to destroy the contenders. Many soldiers today and being trained how to invent their own untraceable weapons and forming their own militia to conduct dirty business on the side. I have lived in this hellish realm ling enough to know how things work. We are doomed without the ability to block these weapons and regain control of our mind and have the personal freedom to live our lives the way we want. It is evil and mind boggling the way so many satanic symbols can surface and witchcraft can be practiced in the modern world and people turn a blind eye to it. Some of my stalkers believe in demonic possession. They tell me they will possess me and eventually weaken me through these weapons. The majority of the world seems oblivious to the crimes taking place today against the body and soul. The world has been desensitized. People have been seduced. Modern technology combined with Satan is a deadly combination Some people like the rush of new inventions and other unknown things. Others like the power they feel acquiring enormous wealth and status at the press of a button through hacking global computers and stealing from an unknowing gullible society. As technology becomes more advanced and wicked people network this country loses more of it's greatness and ability to find balance and God in the modern world. People are becoming more detached, greedy, paranoid, isolated and dehumanized. Many people are becoming selfish, and opportunistic and losing their compassion and ability to distinguish fantasy from reality and experience life pleasure over cyber fantasy and form lasting relationships. We are losing touch with ourselves and finer appreciation for life, higher blessings and no longer showing gratitude and love for God and each other. People are being turned into machines. The dark group that is governing peoples lives is getting bolder people are becoming commodities. People are selling themselves short in the modern world and paying the ultimate price for hedonism. Without adequate leadership turn this country around and put us back on track there is no way out of this madness. It would take someone with integrity and a powerful mind to reshape this nation and connect us with our roots and understand the situation at hand to cut through the nonsense and put us on the road to recovery to save our soul and our future. The only person I see as being capable of doing this is Senator Rand Paul. He kept his promises after he was elected to senate and fought hard for America. His father has a great track record. He has stood against tyranny since the beginning of his career and been a great role model. I see Rand Paul as the only choice for future president. He has achieved his goals since he has been in Washington. I stand with Rand in the upcoming election and support him whole heartedly. It is a great honor and privilege to be considered the heartland of the world in the eyes other nations. It would be a terrible disgrace and dishonor to allow greed, arrogance, lust and stupidity to destroy such a priceless gift. Our lives depend on this upcoming election. We owe it to ourselves, country and the world not to let so many faithful good hearted trusting people down. We are blessed to have the love and respect from around the globe. President Vladimir Putin has extended his heart on more than one occasion. Lets maintain our friendship with every nation and help to reunite the world through peace and love
Sherry McDowell Bretz (C)copyright protected April 2015
Power can easily change hands like weapons. the ones who build this advanced slave empire will find themselves enslaved and cry when they no longer remember what freedom was like!!!!!
Any sane person wouldn't want a demonic world controlled by mass surveillance and weapons because power changes hands like weapons
the ones who build this advanced slave empire will find themselves enslaved and cry when they no longer remember what freedom was like!!!!!
-Sherry Bretz
Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness.
.Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap
(My Twitter entries Sherry Bretz)
There is enough sensationalism in the world without government leaders going Hollywood turning politics into a soap opera. We're doomed!!!!!
The scary thing about society is people think they are in control. They think they have control of their lives. False impression. imprisoned …
If the truth was permitted in this country I would start a truth site to encourage people to explore what's happening in the world
if more Christians became aware of the power and symbolism that is used to spread evil today would they unite in prayer and spread the truth
why is black magic being used today, voodoo in film and even interstate overpasses.strange codes on merchandise hitler phoenix everywhere
why would weapons be invented to enslave us in our home? Cheaper than work camps? Weapons that capture our brain frequency to control us.
How can a helpless writer who never broke the wall be inhumanely tortured in her home she bought and paid for and criminals are set free
how would like to be tortured daily based on things you say in your own home. Zapped worse than a dog with a shock collar its worse pain
(This is happening to me)
You can't find peace after being tortured in your bed night having your mind is invaded by people who watch you 24hours day to break you down
My mind is trapped in fear by enemy resistance and new age weapons prevent it from having any outlet.... that isn't a board game its hell!
I am sick of people stealing my stories.… …
I have always questioned why God let me see miracles and meet saints, angels. Perhaps it was because he knew I was going to meet this group
THERE IS NO PRIDE OR HONOR IN KILLING. ONLY SHAME, DESPAIR AND EVIL.The prophecy is being fulfilled.If you rebel Christ you have hell to pay
people who stalk me see themselves as hunters.Did cavemen, ancient warriors dress to kill Christians and feel brave taking orders by phone
Sherry bretz
· Apr 18
Dogs can be trained to attack and do tricks for treats.Dogs won't turn on each other like mind controlled zombies today.Human cattle.Gestapo
Can't people realize all of this warrior nonsense is just a way for weak minded people to destroy themselves and country. cheap armies
the condition of the world proves paranoid, clueless,evil,insane,greedy,cowardly,foolish people run things for Satan.Stay sane with Christ:
People,if you can't protect yourself from the world stop having babies.Every baby will be tattooed USGradeA,given a 666 chip at the hospital
I like to walk barefoot in the sun,ride with the top down,look at stars, bask in the sun, hang with wildlife and picnic for fun.NWO isn't me
I'm a simple woman with a complex mind.I see now why Jesus avoided the city. Peace isn't there. 50% if the people in NY live live alone
evil is spreading around the world through media, film companies, corporations, products. Why can't people see with God things are easy
The devil has been brought to life through technology and mans willingless to serve.They tell me choose death or satan. Nazis use psychics!!
The devil has invented weapons to seize our mind through destroying our free will. They're driving me insane.
The evil people contaminating my life have created mind weapons to destroy the fortress we have through prayer. They seize our mind create fear attack
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